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We know firsthand the struggles of children with special needs.
As a family, we know how important it is to advocate for your children to gain independence.
Many things do not come easy; fighting insurance companies to approve equipment, paying expensive medical bills, and sometimes even battling with medical and school professionals to get their children the excellent care they deserve.
Because of the constant battles to provide the best quality of life for children, We believe families like ours deserve help in addressing their concerns: We would like to help them obtain expensive medical and adaptive equipment such as augmentative communication devices, bathing and feeding chairs, enclosed beds or sensory equipment. These devices can dramatically aid a family struggling to meet the needs of a disabled child.
Our Biggest Goal
Our goal is to be able to open a local facility where teens and young adults with different abilities can come and work alongside us making handcraft goods and also learning to be an entrepreneur and sell the items that they make.